I get to VA and ride the BUS(!!!) to Willow Lawn with my younger cousin D. He goes into Target and I, Barnes and Noble. I purchase my book and walk to Target and there are three cop cars outside; a officer greets me in the parking lot. "Are you Darryl's cousin? Welcome back to VA?" My 15 year old cousin gets arrested for trying to steal a play station from Target. They take him away and I'm stranded at a deserted mall.

My best friend gets a new boyfriend. She went through two in the first 4 days that I was there. Her new boyfriend, Ken, pays her car note, past due credit card bills, takes us and her sister out to dinner, and treats us to several nights at the Sheraton, all in the first 2 days. (Note: I only see my best friend when her boy friend TELLS her to bring me, otherwise I'm at her place with her family, ALONE!) Now every time we're with him Ken has to make "runs" (drug dealer), but she says I'm being judgmental and he "fixes cars on the side." After my week of being stranded at her place with her family, who I love dearly, my feelings are hurt. I'm upset, ready to go home. I mean I haven't seen her in 2 years (I live in CA!) I come and visit her and the chick completely blows me off. The last straw, we had plans to go somewhere, but her and the bf decide to clean the house. Well, he does most of it. It takes them forever! While they're cleaning I take a nap, wake up and she's gone out with him. So I left, called my Aunt grabbed my things and left. Told her mom goodbye and I wasn't coming back.
Several Days Later
I'm going out to dinner with my mentor Mrs. Christine, AMAZING!! Spent a few nights at my Aunt's and now I'm staying with Christine and my phone starts malfunctioning. But low and behold there's a text on my phone from Missy. "I know you f'ing hate me right now but this guys a criminal" Not 'Sorry' or 'How are you?' But once again only thinking of herself. She's in a situation, so she needs her best friend :( Hmmm.... I never got a chance to answer back. I forgot my charger on a completely different side of town. So my phone's dead and I'm stranded in COUNTRY ASS VIRGINIA!!! One good thing is I'm with Christine and she's amazingly sweet and funny and... just the best. But I want my phone! I can't call my friends and I found out later that my friend was going to take me to Strut. I missed STRUT! Strut's a fashion show, but they go all out. Acts in between, just complete entertainment.
leave tomorrow night for New York and my phones still dead so there's no chance of me seeing anyone before I go. I haven't even seen my sister because my niece was in the hospital, then my phone broke, and now her car's broke. Worse vacation ever!!!Okay I've vented. lol
And it wasn't the worse... I learned several things:
I know who the people who really love me are.
I learned several ways to further my career.
I am way more determined now; there's a yearning.
I have a new goal. By March 31 of 2010 I want an apartment on Wilshire Blvd with a dog. I'm going to make it a home for myself and I will be able to afford it on my own.
I read the The Power of the Actor by Ivana Chubbuck. Best book ever.
And watched limitless amount of movies. You can call it homework. I am ready to achieve!