Operation: Household Name

Evolving Artist changing the world one smile at a time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson Learned

Twice reaffirmed, I don't need a third time.

Two times, within days of each other and in impeccably different ways, I've learned the lesson that I need to have more respect for myself. I get it. If I don't respect me, no one else will. Knowing this I should expect to be hurt, but with or without preparation heartache doesn't feel good.

It hurts. I don't like being taken advantage of. I don't like having people who I thought were my friends blatantly disrespect me. Am I misleading myself?

I feel like I carry myself as a confident woman. I feel like a queen, most of the time, but when it comes down to it I'm still the same girl from Richmond, VA, who heard what they said and ignored it. Head held high, but walking alone in silence. Well, no more.

I understand I can't fight every battle, but no longer will I just sit. I'll take it one battle at a time, until... Until I see myself the way God sees me, even if I have to lie to myself. I refuse to be disrespected. Or ignored. Or taken advantage of. I will not keep the woman I could be imprisoned because I'm afraid. No longer will I be a victim of words unsaid. No longer will I toss and turn at night in shame and embarrassment at my own cowardice.

Look out, World! You've unleashed a being yet seen. No one can stop what God has for me. No one. Not even me. Message. Received. 

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