Operation: Household Name

Evolving Artist changing the world one smile at a time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"No, Father. The Moon's Reaching For Me."

     When I was a little girl riding in the back seat of my mother's beat up Chevrolet, during the day time I'd read, but at night... on those rides through the winding roads of Richmond, VA, I'd look at the sky and there he'd be. Every night. No matter where I was. Or how torturous the previous day had been. He'd be there. My friend, the moon.
     We'd giggle, and gossip, and play games. He was always best at hide-and-seek. I'd ball up and close my eyes for a full verse of whatever song was playing on the radio, and when my eyes opened he was always there. My friend, the moon. He followed me. He loved me. I forgot.

     I'm a sharer. Not of my things, I'm stingy with those. And ask any man whose attempted to date me and he'll tell you the #1 thing I'm stingy with, but there's one thing I've given freely since before my car rides with the moon. My thoughts. Be it through fashion, the stage, writings, or conversation. I love to share.

     Unfortunately when I lost my friend, I stifled some of my gifts. For the first time I became the listener. Not to build up in selflessness or because I was particularly interested in what others had to say, but I was afraid. I went from a world in neon colors where everything was cotton candy. I was the ruler, and there was no such thing as "You can't" or "Impossible." I went to sleep one night and when I awoke the world was ugly. People were cruel. Colors were drab, and it stank. So, I became quiet. I forgot.

     I listened and I learned. I've been quiet for almost 10 years now. As I've grown, in spurts I remember what the world was before. A world where everyone was beautiful, regardless of color; shape; or anything exterior. Ugly people were simply the mean people. Every day I remember more. Every day I become more and more of what I used to be.

     I'm not like you. I'm not of this world. I'm an empress from a world that's far more advanced than here. But during my bleak existence amongst this very drab universe, I've learned alot.
1. Not everyone love you.
2. Not everyone is nice.
3. It's okay to listen. When you're quiet you observe, and observations surpass anything anyone can tell you.

     Hopefully before I go, there are lessons this world can learn from me. If not, than what am I here for? I'm a very important being, take notes. The moon follows me.

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